"Under Uniform" Uniform
Band members are asked to wear the following “under uniform” uniform to achieve the best possible appearance when in uniform.
Solid Black short-sleeve slim-fit V-neck shirt (dry-fit wicking fabric is preferred)
Tank Tops are not allowed. Solid Black V-neck Shirts can be found at Target or Wal-Mart in the underwear or active sports departments.
Form fitting shorts any color (e.g., compression shorts, bike shorts, yoga pants)
When traveling to competitions, students will wear athletic shorts over their form fitting shorts
Black solid black crew (calf-length) socks
Black shoes
Shoes ordered at uniform fitting.
Clean white gloves
Gloves ordered at uniform fitting. Percussion members do not wear gloves.
General Uniform Rules and Information
The band uniform includes the following pieces:
Gauntlets (Wrist Coverings)
White Gloves (Percussion sections do not wear gloves)
Shako (Hat) (Pit does not wear a Shako)
Plume (Feather that goes in the Shako)
Black Socks
Black Dinkles (Shoes)
2 Small Mirrors Velcroed to Front of Jacket (Bass Drum and Tuba sections do not wear mirrors)
Makeup, Jewelry, and Earnings are not allowed while in uniform. Students with gloves that have cut fingertips and percussion members are not allowed to have fingernail polish.
Students are not allowed intense or unnatural hair colors.
Band members are responsible for proper care of their uniforms. Section leaders and uniform crew volunteers will assist and teach new members how to put on uniforms, hang uniforms, clean shoes, etc.
Hair must be tucked completely up underneath the Shako during performances. Chaperone volunteers will assist with this at tournaments.
Marching Band Shoes – Care and Cleaning
After each performance wipe shoes to get any dirt off.
Let shoes air out and dry.
The black vinyl field shoes can be cleaned with soap and water or use a diluted vinyl cleaner.
A shine can be put back on the leather with a car care product such as Armorall wipes. Please make sure you wipe off any excess. DO NOT USE SHOE POLISH ON THE SHOES.
Make sure shoes are cleaned before each football game, field tournament and parade.
Questions about uniforms? Email uniforms@rbmusic.org.